
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Words of Power!

"The ultimate measure of a [wo]man is not where [s]he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where [s]he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -
-- Martin luther king jr.
Dear Mariama,

You have suceeded! Don’t forget that….

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go..."
(T.S Eliot)

Process and timing…it's all about that…

now you have just learnt something new about you…
the test will be your persistence and the ability to keep enthusiastic
and a believer of who you are.

Life is full of surprises! And many miracles..
It is now when the fun starts:
To overcome the challenge within you,
To know those who will understand,
To have the family who will continue side by side with you,
To learn new knowledge,
and the begging of the age of wisdom…the 30’s.

Allez, allez amor!
We are young, and passionate about life…there is only one consequence to that: we will get what we want, sooner or later, time can laugh at us, but it won't defeat us.

Te amo

"Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better." -
[and you are one of them]
-- Martin luther king jr.

PS friends and family, you can leave an inspiration line for Mariama here!