In fact this was our first weekend away to
We know them from Australia, and we are enjoying to have their friendship close to us again, is fun, and it feels good to have someone to call in the rainy days.
Sabrina when crazy on the Dutch bike!
We did not just visited like any tourist, we actually have real friends in the Dutch land.
Theo, Marian, and Mariama 2, three very old and good friends of Mariama 1, received us in their non-typical Dutch house, in the country side where they create and make an interesting life.
Horses, veggie garden, organic bread, garden sculptures, colourful walls, big windows, little technolgy, lots imagination, you can breath it ALL!
Theo, Marian, and Mariama 2, three very old and good friends of Mariama 1, received us in their non-typical Dutch house, in the country side where they create and make an interesting life.
Horses, veggie garden, organic bread, garden sculptures, colourful walls, big windows, little technolgy, lots imagination, you can breath it ALL!
This is the colour of their heart,
just like fire the made for us in their backyard!
just like fire the made for us in their backyard!
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