Mas abajo en Español
Dear Friends and Family,
We are very happy to let you know that we have decided to celebrate our commitment and love for each other, and we are getting “gay married” this year!
We are currently doing all the paper work, and this 19th of January we are handing in our application, which will be processed within about two weeks by the municipality of Paris. This means that by February we will be “officially” PACSed (Couple contract)
However, the official celebration date for us will be the 07-07-07!!!!
The 7th of July 2007, in some beautiful surroundings
of Paris, we will be celebrating with friends and
family this very special day.
Funny enough, this is the date we set the first few weeks
we met in Australia!!!!
We are crazy enough to continue in love, not only as in the
honeymoon period but also in the real difficult times that
we have had in the last couple of years.
Yes, we are going to be three years together, by the
time we will be celebrating, and even when things have
been challenging, we believe that we have gone through
enough to understand that love is not simple, either
Day by day, we see each other really growing in the relationship, as well as individually. This is a good thing and a good reason to be together, for as long as our harts and our sense of freedom allow it.
You will soon hear of us with more details about our celebration day, day we hope you will be able to enjoy with us, whether you can make it to Paris or not.
Lots of love to all of you!
Cristina and Mariama
PS: for comments, click "comments" and under "choose an identity", click "Anonymous"
Dearest Cristinucha and Mariama
What fantastic, exciting news! Rolo and I are so very happy for you. You both seem to be brimming with happiness.
It's a wonderful celebration and symbol of your love and commitment to each other.
Thanks for sharing the news. I loved the videoclip. We would love to share this day with you in never know...
With biggest, warmest aussie hugs
Rolo and Raquel
Congratulations to you both this is Carmen writing from Australiaa, but soon to be in Paris so I better be invited to the wedding!!
No really it was a great little video and I wish you all the joy in the world on your wedding day. I am very excited for both of you.
Lots of love
Carmen xxxxooo
we are looking forward to see you soon, invited to the wedding? you are crazy, you will organizing the wedding with us!!!
lots of kisses...
cristina and mariama
rolo and raquel,
thank you so much for your great words, we are believe in miracles and magic, so why not! Paris in July?
We are getting more excited after all the good comments and good vibes from friends and family...
lots of love
cristina and mariama
Dear Cristina & Mariama
I am SO happy for you both! I have been very slack lately and sorry that i haven't written for so long. But that news has made my day, and even though I won't be able to be there in person for your commitment ceremony, both Simon and I will definitely be there in spirit.
Big hugs and love to you both
Beck x
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