La Menche
There it is, can you see it.... ? Click on the image to make sure you see it properly...
And I got a 8,5: passed with distinction!!!!
The proof that I am integrating as an "extranjera" in
Now, I am ready to confront the difficult task of finding a job... My feelings and emotions are jumping from very enthusiastic when I apply for jobs, to very low energy when I see that to find a paid job here you really need to find your way in, especially in my specific field.
"Pero, señora, si usted está altruista, no profesional y le gusta ayudar, puede ser voluntaria, porque no hay dineros... somos organismos sin animo de lucro.... pero sí, sí, no importa que no esta remunerado... necesitan todavía tener una entrevista, una lista de competencias, nada mas fácil!" hmmmmm..... For example, to distribute Christmas cards of the UNICEF, they were requiring experience at the United Nations... Because it is VERY hard to do... "do you understand?" pffff...
What a challenge and I took Cristina on boat with me.... Sorry mi Amor!
Anyway, we discharge ourselves by going to Lucas, our favorite bar de copas and Entredos, a women's association which has a very agreeable lounge where you can spend hours....
Pero, mi español está a nivel muy alto, y tengo confianza que voy a encontrar mi felicidad! Bueno, en el trabajo yo estoy hablando... porque con el Amor estoy muuuuuy feliz....
Besitos a todos y espero leer de sus noticias pronto.
Mariama - 12 January 2006