
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

10. Ah la Primavera!

For English Click here

No es para menos, la primavera está aquí y hay que celebrarlo!!

Mariama y yo estamos comenzando una nueva etapa.

Hoy Mariama partió con su mochila al hombro ha colonizar tierra nueva. La tierra del vino francés, Burdeos. Ahí plantaremos una vez más, nuestras esperanzas y la regaremos con ilusiones y trabajo. Espero que la cosecha no se demore mucho!

Se que ya lo saben, pero lo tengo que decir denuevo, no han sido tiempos fáciles, y aunque nosotras elegimos este viaje, uno no tiene control de lo que se te aparece en el camino. Con todo el positivismo que podamos tener, sabemos que esta experiencia es un aprendizaje, pero también hay que admitir que hacerse camino como pareja en esto, no es fácil. (ya lo notaran en mi cara de cansada)

Esperamos que Burdeos nos trate mejor, ya que estamos un poco cansadas, y no con el mismo entusiasmo de cuando nos vinimos a Madrid. Por el momento, la experiencia en Madrid tiene gusto a “equivocación”, pero solo el tiempo dará su veredicto y la verdad es que objetiva no soy.

Hoy me salió en el horóscopo que todo los sacrificios y trabajo puesto en un proyecto, comenzarán a dar resultados. Y como la primavera está aquí, entonces me parece un buen augurio.


Estos tulipanes son los primeros en salir en la tierra de la madre de Mariama, Holanda. Siempre pensé que cuando uno iba al aeropuerto, el que llega recibe las flores, pero esta vez me tocó recibirlos a mi cuando esperaba por Mariama de su regreso de Ámsterdam, donde visitó a su hermana y sus tíos (por parte de mamá)

Apropósito, los tulipanes son las flores favoritas de Mariama y las mías tambien.

Magíster en la Complutenese de Madrid

Finalmente ya terminé las clases del post grado que vine a hacer.
Un Experto en Promoción y Gestión en ONGD, el cual comenzó muy bien, y terminó pésimo. Es una buena iniciativa, pero que en España no tiene rubro realmente ya que el trabajo en ONG es casi todo voluntario, y por lo demás los que tienen oportunidad de lo poco que hay son los españoles y Ole!.

Ahora estoy pegada con una tesis que no creo que le interese a muchos, porque siempre quiero probar lo improbable que tiene que ver más con el respeto a las comunidades y la justicia. Pero bueno, no hay nada nuevo en esto. Los que ya me conocen saben de que va la cosa.

Aquí hay fotos de la clase con quienes compartí casi cinco meses, profesionales de todas partes del mundo, muchos de Latinoamérica.

Despidiendo Madrid

Poco a poco nos estamos despidiendo de Madrid, y hemos salido a caminar y recorrer esas calles de postales que en realidad son maravillosas. Así que aquí algunas imágenes para compartir.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring is here!

Para Español Click aquí

Spring is here and we have to celebrate!

Mariama and I are starting a new stage of our life together!!

Today Mariama left with her backpack on her shoulders to colonize new land. She is going to Bordeaux, the land of French wines. There, we will plant once more, our hopes and we will water it with our illusions and lots of work. I hope this time the growing of what we are planting comes out sooner!

I know you understand this, but I will say it again, these times in Madrid have been difficult lately. Even though we choose this path, we have not chosen the incidents we have lived through here in Madrid. We are still optimistic and trying to keep positive. We understand this has been a learning experience, but we also need to acknowledge that doing this together as couple can also be hard at times. You have to think for two, and moving two people around is harder than moving just by yourselves!

We really hope that Bordeaux treat us better, since we are very tired and we do not have the same enthusiasm as from when we came to Madrid. At the moment the feelings about Madrid is that “we made a mistake”, but time will tell, and I am not very objective about it right now.

Today I had in the horoscope that all hard work and investments in a project, will give its results soon. And as SPRING is here, I would take this as a good augment.

These are the first tulips that have just flourished in Mariama’s mother’s land, Holland. I always thought that the lucky one to receive tulips at the airport, was the person to arrive, but this time I received them as a present when I was waiting for Mariama, when she returned from Amsterda where she visited her sister and aunty.

By the way, tulips are OUR favor flowers!!!

Post Graduate at the Complutense of Madrid

Finally I have finished the classes of the course I was doing, Expert on Promotion and Management of NGOD (Non-governamental organization for Development), which it started very well but ended to be not so good at the end. However I did learn a lot.
The organizers have good intentions, but the sector does not cooperate with this course, since work in NGO’s here is mostly volunteer. There is little room for professional work, and the small opportunities there are, are offered to Spaniards!! Olé!!!

As for now, I am writing a Thesis, that it would be of little interest here, since is about Community Cultural Development and International Cooperation. But this is no news, since those of you who know me understand why I do this type of work and not other.

Here is the photo of my class, with whom a shared for about five months; professionals from all over the world, particularly from Latin America.

Farewell to Madrid

Little by little we are saying good by to Madrid, and we have being walking around these beautiful streets, postal cards like! They are marvellous!
Here some images to share..

Sunday, March 12, 2006

9. "Love the Life you Live"

Indeed We Have a Woman President!!!

You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

from "Still I Rise"
by Maya Angelou

I am happy,
La Menche

Friday, March 03, 2006

8. ¿Donde hemos vivido? - Where have we lived?

La Calle De San Lorenzo
Desde la buhardilla
El Museo Municipal de Madrid (somos vecinas)
El Mercado